Giclee/archival digital prints printed on paper must be framed behind glass or plexiglass so add 3 -6 inches on all sides for mat and frame when visualizing what size to order.

Giclee/archival digital prints on canvas come stretched on a canvas frame with the 1 1/2" edges painted a neutral color and are ready to hang. Or can be delivered unstretched and in a roll.

Archival inks, paper and canvas are used and prints are sealed with a waterproof UV coating.

Giclee is french for "to spray" - the archival ink is sprayed on in continuous tone allowing the use of surfaces like canvas.

Click on any image to view it larger.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


"Jacksonville Skyline"

Click on the above image to view it larger

"North Florida, Theodore Roosevelt Area"
(near Ft. Caroline, Arlington, Jacksonville, Florida)
Click on the image above to view it larger

"Springtime Hammock"
(from Hanna Park, Atlantic Beach, Florida)
Click on the image above to view it larger.

"Cumberland Island Path"
Click on the image above to view it larger.

"Silver River I and II, Diptych"
Click on the image above to view it larger.

"Silver River, Silver Springs, Florida"
Click on the image above to view it larger.

"The Pass at Santa Fe Lakes"
Click on the image above to view it larger.

"Little Lake Santa Fe Lone Cypress"
Click on the image above to view it larger.

"Furman University Rose Garden"
Click on the image above to view it larger.

1 comment:

  1. every print looking so attractive, there is no any doubt that you are a great artist, "The Pass at Santa Fe Lakes" this one looking so beautiful.

    Wall Art
